Security Warning
Before making any payments to Currency Partners, please contact us to verify the beneficiary bank account details.
Security warning – Be alert!
We would like to remind you to be cautious when making payments and to verify the beneficiary bank account details before proceeding with any transactions. Fraudsters are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their tactics and can create convincing fake bank accounts to trick unsuspecting individuals into making payments.
To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you always double-check the beneficiary bank account details provided to you before making any payments. Please contact us to verify the bank account name and number through a trusted channel. Avoid using phone numbers or email addresses provided in the payment instruction or any other unverified sources.
If you notice any suspicious activity or if you suspect that you have fallen victim to a fraud scheme, please contact us immediately. Your security and protection are our top priority, and we are committed to providing you with the necessary tools and resources to prevent fraud.